Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ambiguities In Henry Jamess The Turn Of The Screw

Henry James’ novella The Turn of the Screw is famous for presenting various ambiguities about people, ghost, and scenes that can be interpreted in multiple ways. These ambiguities have sparked discussion on the various interpretations for over a hundred years. James presents the events through the Governess’ ambiguous narration, which means that we can only infer what the experience felt like from the children’s perspective. The Governess’ inconclusive narration contributes to the possibility that either the children are perfectly innocent, charming, and talented, or that these qualities mask a more sinister relationship with the ghosts of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel. The Governess’ reality differs from Miles’ and this causes her failure†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the way I’m going on† (95). In asking this question, Miles suggests that he knows that there is something off about the way he is being raised. Clearly, he believes that this signifies enough for his uncle’s disapproval, which would show a care from a father figure that Miles desperately needed. Even when the Governess provides the harsh reality that he probably did not care. This made him feel even more determined, suggesting that â€Å"don’t you think he can be made to?† †¦ and that â€Å"I will!† (95). James makes use of italics to provide emphasis, clarity, and im portance to the statement Miles was making. This shows how passionately that Miles felt about his desire for a father figure, and that he was willing to do whatever it took to get it. Without understanding the Governess’ perception of Miles, we cannot fully interpret his perception of her. James introduces Miles as the perfect child, which forces the Governess to turn her focus towards protecting that innocence. When the she first meets Miles, she immediately recognizes he â€Å"was something divine that I have never found to the same degree in any child—his indescribable little air of knowing nothing in the world but love† (33). The Governess’ amazement with her meeting with Miles leads to her feeling â€Å"bewildered—so far, that is, as I was not outraged—by the sense of the horrible letter locked up in my room, in a drawer†Show MoreRelatedEssay about Deconstructing Henry James The Turn of the Screw552 Words   |  3 Pages Deconstructing Henry Jamess The Turn of the Screw nbsp; nbsp; To those readers uninitiated to the infinite guises of critical literary theory, Henry Jamess The Turn of the Screw might be interpreted as a textbook case of an anxiety-ridden Governess fleeing an unpromising reality and running right into the vaporous arms of her imaginary ghosts. 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